I like customising just everything.. Take these gifts for instance.. Only recently it got registered (screwed into my cerebral cortex) - not everybody's is worth all that effort! No regrets though...all of it was done with passion and wasn't I oh-so-happy to hear all those 'wows'... You too can try making one of these - say it with more than words and gifts...
1. Cig at its best: Made sometime around Oct for my guy. An ash-tray samples an easy gift for smokers. But when the smoker is your gonna-be-husband
and if you are a Cancerian (they're all mothers first) - it can't be just any ash-tray. I first hunted for those skull ash-trays (Archies). And then thought - it can get better than that!

What goes in: 1. Layer any ordinary ash tray (I used a Bonjour one) with Fevicol, 2. Rip open few cigs and use the tobacco to cover the damn thing, 3. Use the butts for flowers - streak through it with a pin, 4. Use wooden beads (those Janpath bead strings should do) to prettify your flowers 5. Tie your flowers to a copper wire and deck it around the thing
Time taken: Some 1 hr at the max and you're done!
awesome creativity!
You should see it now. Poor piece of toil could not serve the purpose I made it for.
On hindsight, it was actually silly of me to think D. would consider it a reminder to quit smoking every time he taps the cigarette on it. Dear ashtray is dying of over-use.
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