Friday, 9 February 2007

My SITE: India Tourist Spots

This is 'where, how and what' I unwind...and though it dawned really late on me, that of all the bric-a-bracs I do or can-make-myself-capable of doing, 'writing' is the best of it all. Lets save this topic - my chance discovery that I can make a living out of my passion - for another Post. This one is dedicated purely to promote my baby, my love, my produce... (the slog is still on) --- "India Tourist Spots''.

And in case, this unbound fascination for a portal makes you raise an eyebrow, I wouldn't really mind an explanation. Well, this is not just any portal (at least nowhere near the other portals I have written for). And the reason is simple - this is my maiden project and I have really labored ( laboring still) to make 'some mark' (with myriad limitations of course).

India Tourist Spots is just the place (MEANT TO BE) to drop by before you pack your bags to India. Here you will find detailed destination guides, enticing tour packages, the most visited attractions, hotel reviews, theme vacations ideas (honeymoon, adventure, pilgrimage, tea-tourism etc.), unbiased travelogues (you can also mail me yours) by real tourists and almost everything a trip to India calls for! If you are tempted and actually want to book a trip to India, all you need to do is send your query and one of our subject matter experts will give you a call with the best suited travel deal for your vacation.

I am adding pages everyday. The recent addition is the hotel section where you have pages on individual hotels. And next, I plan to add new cities....lots of cities actually. If you have a suggestion to make, we at India Tourist Spots, will be more than elated to listen...(so sweet of you, if you've one, please leave a comment or mail to me at:

~~~ Needarshana


Unknown said...

see your gmail act

Unknown said...

More than three months for a site which is just 90 pages is bit too long. I must say you are slow at writing or you think a lot before you frame a sentence.

Pranzu said...

good site ... keep up the good work

Ann Dee said...
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